Project Management
Offshore / Onshore
Opencast Mining
& Dredging
Desktop studies
Expert assessment
Engineering Consulting &
Explosive Ordnance Detection
Engineering consulting construction
risk assessments
Wir begleiten Sie in allen Phasen Ihrer Energieinfrastruktur-Großprojekte.
Project planning
- Engineering Consulting
- Approval planning and monitoring of approval procedures
- Bid Management
- Procurement
The development and expansion of marine sites for power generation in the sense of the Renewable Energy Sources Act requires the new construction and reconstruction of the entire cable infrastructure in Germany by 2030. A forward-looking but at the same time precise control of the cooperation is the binding element of a well-structured implementation of this task. On the basis of an experienced and in-depth knowledge of infrastructure technology, approval procedures and construction management, PKE has the appropriate tools and develops the concept that is right for your company. The basis for the implementation of large pipeline infrastructure projects is an experienced understanding of the technical challenges involved in planning and installation:
PKE supports you right from the design stage of your project with
• the conception, routing and engineering for on- and offshore cabling
• the planning of civil engineering onshore, dredging offshore and coastal crossing
• the conception of the soil movement management,
PKE accompanies you during the entire approval process with
• Preparation of the documents for the technical project description,
• Support in public participation and objection management,
• Advice on technical planning in harmony with nature conservation concerns.
PKE coordinates all expert and surveyor services regularly required in this field. In direct cooperation with the specialist departments available in-house, PKE takes over your tasks in planning, implementation and monitoring of
• Route reconnaissance on- and offshore,
• geotechnics and marine surveying,
• Explosive ordnance detection and recovery (permission and qualification according to §7 / §20 SprengG).
The basis for the avoidance of temporal and economic risks during the construction work is a legally and technically flawless contract. During the concrete planning of the construction work PKE advises and accompanies you within the scope of bid management with
• operational support in the tendering and bidding phase and for all contract-related issues,
• the drafting of supplier contracts
• and the tendering and awarding of exploration and construction works
- Reporting, project and inventory documentation
- document control
• to analyse the relevant requirements at the beginning of the project,
• to develop and implement the necessary systems and work routines based on this,
• to collect, enter and process the associated data in the course of the project,
• derive periodic reports (e.g. weekly or monthly reports) and
• to create targeted project and as-built documentation.
PKE also supports you in all aspects of document management and control.
Project execution
- Technical and commercial project support
- Risk and interface management
- Contract Management
- Site management
- Technical & environmental construction supervision
The intact communication between network operators, he supervisory authorities and the construction companies carrying out the work creates a stable framework for a smooth and timely execution of the construction work. With our project-experienced technical experts, we form interfaces in the projects and are the contact for all transferred technical and organisational matters. In this way, we ensure the multilateral exchange of information between the project teams of clients and authorities within the respective discipline during planning, production, construction and commissioning.
Even before the start of construction and during the entire installation phase, PKE coordinates the implementation of the construction work in accordance with the plan and approval by means of
• Analysis of permit conditions and building restrictions,
• Preparation of the license management plan,
• professional advice during the implementation planning,
• Support for technical implementation,
• Evaluation and control of quality-relevant facts,
• transparent support in the monitoring of the executing companies.
By recording the contractually owed services, PKE is significantly involved in the commercial project management and represents the commercial interests and rights of our customers in a businesslike manner. In order to cope with the time and economic risks during the construction phase, a professional and experienced understanding of the legal and contractual conditions in the project is essential. PKE advises and accompanies you from the conclusion of the contract to the acceptance
• in the preparation of cost and risk analyses,
• in the formulation and maintenance of your own contract supplements (change requests),
• in establishing / expanding the structures / processes for contract management,
• in the analysis, content preparation and negotiation of contractually relevant claims,
• and in providing evidence to defend against incoming claims.
All services provided by PKE are supported by the management in the sense of ISO 9001 in order to promote quality, transparency and safety.
Hydrographic survey
- Survey of water bodies (bathymetry)
- Scour monitoring
- Surface exploration
Survey of water bodies (bathymetry)
Scour Monitoring
Surface exploration
Geophysical survey
- Geophysical and geotechnical site investigation
Explosive ordnance survey
- Explosive ordnance detection
- Explosive ordnance monitoring
Explosive ordnance detection
For the investigation of areas contaminated with explosive ordnance, Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG uses different detection systems for the exploration of areas contaminated with UXO. Depending on the task, conventional handheld detection as well as computer-aided surface and borehole detection are used. (Link to 2.6) Occasionally, preliminary detection work on areas suspected of being contaminated with explosive ordnance during construction work is not feasible for various reasons. In this case, our specially trained, technical supervisory staff (holders of a certificate of competence according to §20 SprengG) will be deployed during construction. Our range of services includes:
- Historical-geological research
- Exploratory consulting
- Stake out and measurement of probing and clearing areas
- Explosive ordnance survey: Surface and borehole detection
- Construction supervision by certificate holders according to § 20 SprengG
- Identification and recovery of ammunition
- Ordnance release documentation
Cable detection
- Cable (depth) exploration (DOB - depth of burial)
Cable (depth) exploration (DOB - depth of burial)
Geotechnical survey
- Exploration of deposits of loose and solid rock
- Geophysical and geotechnical site investigation
- Surface exploration
Exploration of deposits of loose and solid rock
Geophysical and geotechnical site investigation
Surface exploration
ROV inspection
- ROV inspection
ROV inspection
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Desktop studies
- Archival research
- Preliminary studies
- Studies to assess potential
For a first information on the presumable occurrence of extractable and exploitable mineral resources, the examination and evaluation of publicly accessible documents such as map servers, archival documents and official reports is the first step. Based on the information available, Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG evaluates the potential and the probability with which certain mineral resources can be expected on the basis of geological conditions and therefore supports you in your search for new deposits.
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Exploration of deposits
- Prospection, exploration and evaluation of rock and soil deposits
- Geological, geotechnical, hydrogeological and geophysical surveys
- Echo sounding of dredging lakes to determine excavated volumes
- Assessment of resources and reserves, exploration of residual deposits in quarry ponds
- Slope stability analysis and subsoil investigations
Thanks to the successful supervision of numerous mineral resources open-cast mining projects, Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG is your ideal partner for the exploration of sand and gravel aggregates as well as solid rock deposits. Our knowledge forms the basis for a qualified and unobstructed planning process of future mining projects with regard to deposit-related aspects. For the exploration of mineral deposits we apply various geological and geotechnical methods (including drilling and cone penetration tests) as well as geophysical methods (e.g. echo sound, seismics and electrical resistivity tomography).
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Approval planning
- Preparation of expert reports (economic geology, geotechnical engineering, hydrogeology, emission protection)
- Mine planning, lay out design and choice of extraction and processing technology
- Planning of post-mining landscape recultivation and reinstatement
- Preparation of the application documents according to the required legal basis such as BImSchG, WHG, BNatG and BBergG
- Development and preparation of corresponding overall-. main- and special-operation plans
- Planning and technical support for official approval, permission and licensing procedures
- Monitoring concepts
From the exploration and selection of a suitable mineral deposit to the extraction of the first ton of raw material, a large number of procedures are necessary. In addition to a practical know-how, these require a pronounced administrative expertise in order to minimize project risks and ultimately realize the planned mining project economically. As a consultant and technical service provider, Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG offers a reliable support and prepares the application documents for the respective necessary procedural steps and will accompany you through the licensing procedures.
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Engineering consulting
- Extraction process and mining methods of sand & gravel
- Guided extraction control and dredging monitoring system
- Dredging planning
- On-site construction supervision
- Desludging concepts for ponds and fleet canals
- Soil management
In order to achieve the highest possible efficiency of utilisation of the mining activities, companies are confronted with increasing planning and technical efforts. An economic operation of mining and processing is of particular importance. Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG is at your side right from the start of the planning phase and supports you in the selection of the ideal extraction process and technically suitable extraction equipment for both dry and wet mining projects.
With our associate company, SPE GmbH & Co. KG, we assist you during dredging operations by using MARPO a powerfulplanning software and mining control system.
In addition, we will be pleased to advise you on special geotechnical, hydrogeological and process engineering issues relating to open-cast mining on rock and soil as well as dredging operations. Within the scope of remediation and desludging measures we are at your disposal for dredging and waste management as well as on-site construction supervision.
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Profitability analyses
- Determination of key economic specifications
- Performance of a general analysis of utilisation
- Assessment of deposit value(s)
For a sustainable planning of deposit extraction and raw material processing, special importance is attached to the economic data and an analysis of utilisation. This is particularly true in view of the scarcity of domestic natural resources, e.g. due to deposits of inferior quality or residual deposits and further restrictions on land use. Within the scope of due diligence audits, Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG provides economic assessments of mineral deposits, which are beneficial for planning purposes, e.g. in the run-up to plans for expansion or purchase intentions.
Open-cast mining of rock and soil deposits / approval planning & dredging
Expert assessment
- Geotechnical engineering
- Hydrogeology
- Dredging
At Patzold, Köbke Engineers GmbH & Co. KG you will benefit from years of expert knowledge. We are also available to you in the context of official proceedings for fact-finding and fact-transfer from data already existing or to be collected in the fields of geotechnics, hydrogeology and dredging.
Engineering consulting construction
- General consulting services in civil engineering
- Site management
- Construction supervision
We offer our customers competent and expert engineering advice for construction projects and are available to advise clients in every phase of the project. Our staff can draw on a wealth of experience in the handling of complex construction projects. This enables us to provide our clients with the best possible advice even in possible conflict situations or unforeseen problems and to guarantee a fast and smooth construction process.
Engineering consulting & Explosive ordnance detection
- Inventory of the area concerned in wartime
- Research of historic land development (land and water)
- Recording of the area parameters (suspected explosive ordnance, development, location, etc.)
- Assessment of the geotechnical basis of the area
- Determining the bomb horizon, the depth ranges to be explored
- Development of a concept for the exploration and clearing of UXO that is adapted and optimized to the conditions
- Graphical representation
- Estimation of costs and construction time of the exploratory measures
Sounding and clearing concepts, risk assessments
- Preparation of VOB-compliant tender documents (bill of quantities, scope of work, graphical representation, forms)
- Publication and dispatch of tender documents
- Answering bidder questions
- Execution of the opening date and reading of the received offers
- Technical and economic evaluation of received tenders
- Conducting bidder discussions or technical clarification discussions
- Preparation of an award recommendation
Tendering and award procedures
In addition to our consulting activities, we advice and support our customers in the tendering and execution of the measures necessary for a construction site free of explosive ordnance. Our staff has decades of experience in the preparation of VOB-compliant tender documents and is trained in the implementation of the requirements of e-procurement. On request, we can take over the publication and dispatch of the tender documents for our customers and provide them with our expertise throughout the entire tendering process.
- Site management
- Local construction supervision
- Construction documentation incl. daily construction records
- Conducting regular construction meetings incl. preparation of minutes
- Checking of accounting documents (measurements, timesheets, daily reports)
- Checking of supplementary offers
- Auditing (partial and final invoices)
- Acceptance of the construction site after completion of the work
Site management and construction supervision
After tendering and awarding of the contract for the measures to achieve freedom from explosive ordnance, we support our customers with our expertise and experience in the context of site management and local construction supervision. Our competent personnel supervise the executing companies on site, hold regular construction meetings, coordinate with the client and other trades and ensure that the measures are carried out in the best possible time and in an economically efficient manner. After completion of the measure, the acceptance of the construction site and the services performed is carried out.
Project management
- A Organisation, information, coordination and documentation
- B Qualities and quantities
- C Costs and financing
- D Dates, capacities and logistics
- E Contracts and insurance
- 1 Project preparation (HOAI Lph. 1)
- 2 Planning (HOAI Lph. 2-4)
- 3 Preparation for execution (HOAI Lph. 5-7)
- 4 Design (HOAI Lph. 8)
- 5 Project completion (HOAI Lph. 9)
As experienced project managers, we provide building owners with a competent contact person who provides you with an overview of complex project processes and advises you in the selection and coordination of the project participants (e.g. object and specialist planners, implementing companies, experts). The project controller and his team recognize risks and possible obstacles for your project at an early stage and thus enable a target-oriented planning as well as a tight control and management of all upcoming tasks and measures.
We offer our clients not only practical experience and reliable know-how, but also additional added value through the bundling of our in-house fields of competence, from geology and geophysics, object and specialist planning to expert knowledge of explosive ordnance detection and public procurement law.
Our range of services includes the processing of the fields of action A to E over the entire duration of the project (project stages 1 to 5).
Explosive ordnance detection
- Historical-Geological Research
- Advice on necessary soundings and suitable sounding techniques
- Stake out and measurement of probing and clearing areas
- Explosive ordnance detection on land
- Explosive ordnance sounding in shallow water areas and the water exchange zone
- Construction supervision by certificate holders according to § 20 SprengGe
- Identification of explosive ordnance
- Release documentation
If, for various reasons, preliminary exploratory work is not feasible during construction work on suspected explosive ordnance sites, our specially trained technical supervisory staff (holders of a certificate of competence in accordance with §20 SprengG) will be deployed during construction work.